A rule of thumb in the age of the Internet is that if you blink, you probably missed 28 updates to the various sites you use on a regular basis. Sometimes the changes are minor, but even those minor changes can be game changers for marketers and advertisers. So, it’s always good to take a second to consider any kind of changes on the sites you frequent, put your business hat on, and think about how it might affect you or your client.
happy holidays! 4 free digital marketing holiday tips
In the spirit of giving this season, we thought we’d share a few bonus How-To Holiday tips:
digital marketing in the holiday season: it’s all about timing
The holidays are in full swing, at least according to the retailers filling our inboxes and mailboxes and news feeds. And it’s no wonder: some retailers make 25% to 40% of annual sales during the holidays, and 2010 holiday sales are expected to be up 2.3% to $447.1 billion this year. How do you keep up the energy for an eight-week holiday season? It’s all about timing. From when you send your offers to how many days between reminders to which offers work best at which times of the season… Here’s a suggestion on a holiday calendar with timely offers.
wishing for email marketing segmentation this holiday season
Sure, segmentation is a hot button in the email marketing world. Certainly, by now, we all know that segmenting your list increases the relevance of your emails which drives your engagement and your sales up. We know that sending relevant mail also keeps our sender reputation in good condition because users are more likely to read and less likely to mark the email as spam.
But here’s the question: how many companies actually use segmentation? According to MarketingSherpa, more than 30% of email marketers still don’t do even basic segmentation of content and offers to their email marketing subscribers. True, segmentation means you have to have data and the time to sift through it, but even basic-level segmentation is available to all email marketers. We’ve got email marketing segmentation on our Holiday Wish List this year.
offering value in exchange for an opt-in: a look at Chili’s new email sign-up process
Best-practicing email marketers know a valid, opted-in, interested email address is worth revenue to your company, so you should absolutely be providing value to the subscriber in return for their opt-in. Sure, you could offer a coupon. Or maybe you could go a bit further? Chili’s Restaurants sure did.
look out! you’ve got social media on your email sign-up
More and more, email is being described as one of the social channels. It’s still the number one way people share pictures, articles, links and more with their friends, family and co-workers. So when people ask if social media has endangered email, we know better. (Hint: no.) Marketing has always been about being everywhere your prospects are and that usually means more than one medium.
Email marketing and social media can be valuable comrades in growing your audience online. So are you taking advantage of their friendship? Specifically, are you working social into your email sign up and growing your email list through social media?
Take a look at weaving social and email together for list growth and new customer acquisition.
how changes to Yahoo! and Hotmail inboxes will affect email marketing
Last week, I got a great question from one of our savviest email marketing clients: “How are you advising your clients to prepare for the changes with Hotmail? Should we be versioning or quarantining our Hotmail lists and watching them more closely?”
clean up your email marketing list acquisition act
Not that you’ve ever done this, but sometimes people type their email address wrong. When was the last time you checked out your own opt-in process? Do you know if your form will accept these common input mistakes as valid entries?
measuring the value of an email subscriber
How do you measure the success of your email marketing campaigns? When our clients ask us our thoughts, we encourage them to measure email marketing like you do any other kind of marketing: by calculating your Return On Investment (ROI). Sure, we know that you know that email marketing still has the highest ROI of any marketing channel. But are you actually measuring your success?
9 takeaways on how to optimize email marketing ROI
At the emfluence User Conference last month, our CEO and Head Email Brainiac, Dave Cacioppo, gave a rockin’ keynote: “Email ROI: Let It Rock!” Our users voted it the best takeaway content of the day, so we thought we’d share the good info. So, Dave, how do you rock your email ROI?
get smarter about social media: notes from Social Fresh
Social Fresh’s fifth social media conference was hosted April 19th just across the state in St. Louis. We sent Jessica Best to soak up some knowledge about emerging media from some heavy hitters. Here’s what she gleaned:
words from the wise: overheard at Fast Company Innovation Uncensored
Last week, our Marketing Nerd — oops Marketing Manager — Jessica Best headed off to New York City for the first Innovation Uncensored conference, put on by Fast Company. Here’s what she heard from some of the smartest and most innovative people in business:
5 takeaways on email marketing from Email Insider Summit
We sent emfluence CEO/President (and lucky dog) Dave Cacioppo down to Captiva Island for Media Post’s Spring Email Insider Summit 2010. Here are 5 bits of information that will give you an idea of the value of the content and the experience:
new case study: learning about email deliverability through extreme seasonality
As some of our readers already know, emfluence has an online bracket called Big Shot Bracket. For those of you who didn’t know, well, now you do. Every February, we kick off our call for bracket and group entries. Generally, we get a great response to the campaign as a whole because we’re sending timely, relevant email to those who have said they were interested in the past.
The challenge we always face, however, is that after 11 months of silence, our list isn’t pristine and our email address is slightly suspect with the major ISPs. Best practices say that consistent and relevant messages are key to your deliverability and ultimately your email success. But who wants to hear from Mr. Big Shot in October?
congrats to our award-winning email marketing client, Indigo Wild
Indigo Wild, an all-natural soap happily went home with a shiny AMBIT Award from the Kansas City Direct Marketing Association. Their Holiday 09 multi-part email marketing campaign won kudos for being both beauty and brains, with a 40% growth in seasonal sales over 2008.
where’s emfluence: scheduled appearances
Wondering where you can catch up with the team from emfluence? Check out a few of our upcoming celebrity appearances:
emfluence and friends at the AMBITS
We got the call last week from the Kansas City chapter of the Direct Marketing Association that three of our AMBITS submissions have won an award! We’re pleased as punch to be winning more AMBITS this year. We believe in judging our campaigns based not just on cool-factor and smooth style (which our clients can also boast), but on performance and return on investment. Kudos to the entire emfluence team and our winning clients on great work with great results!
when is it ok to email b-to-b?
We hear email marketers ask all the time: when is it ok to email to a business-to-business prospect? If you want to follow up with prospects after a trade show using your email service provider, can you? Should you automatically add prospects from demos or business meetings to your promotional email list?
Email marketing professionals will handle these differently, but as always, we think there are some best practices. What are the guidelines on when to send email b-to-b?
emfluence Marketing Manager to join eMail Guide ranks
Our very own Marketing Manager, Jessica Best, will join the ranks of other industry folk as the newest contributor to the eMail Guide's blog. www.theemailguide.com/blog/…
takeaways from Marketing Sherpa’s Email Summit 2010
In addition to beautiful 80 degree weather in January, Marketing Sherpa’s 2010 Email Summit once again proved to be a fact-packed conference about our beloved email marketing. Here are some of our favorite take aways:
Top Quotes at Marketing Sherpa’s Email Summit 2010:
leveraging the power of other people’s email marketing lists
No matter what media you’re using, the more eyeballs, the better. And in today’s highly targeted world, getting in front of more relevant eyeballs is key. So, it’s not surprising that we hear from our clients all the time, “Can you help us grow our email list?” There are lots of great ways to grow email marketing list size, from search engine marketing to online promotions to banner ad campaigns. But, inevitably, the most popular follow up question is “Can we buy an email list?”
So, how do you leverage relevant marketing lists outside of your own subscriber list?
lurk to learn: getting started with new social media
The swirling world of social media produces new platforms every day. Even “old” standards – facebook, twitter – are getting facelifts and making changes in user experience that effect the way marketers use social media to connect with interested prospects. On one hand, that means no matter when you decide to take the plunge into social marketing, you’re not that far behind: it all changes so fast, we’re all running just to keep up.
On the other hand, it makes social media look like a marathon you’re not sure how to jump in on. How do you start in something you don’t even understand? We’ve all heard a friend or colleague say “I just don’t get the point of Twitter.”
When you’re not sure where to start in a new platform, lurk to learn…
Let’s take Twitter as an example.
new pic on Flickr: AAFKC’s lunch series
Check out the emfluence Flickr account for pics from yesterday’s MK12 presentation on the work they did for the movie Stranger Than Fiction and for a commercial for Swiss International Airlines.
reconnecting with email subscribers who hard bounce
Research says that up to 30% of your email list could turn over every year. With no official National Change of Email Address list, in a worst case scenario, you could lose over 80% of your email addresses in 5 years unless you take action to maintain your list. These email addresses represent valid prospects that originally told you they wanted your mail and reconnecting with them is still a lower cost than new customer acquisition.
pay-per-click management: using Google’s full toolset
Ok, so after reviewing some basic AdWords reports, you’ve managed to identify some pain points, make some bid changes, maybe even add and remove some keywords. All these changes are made and should help you on the way to having an effective paid search campaign that will deliver the results you’re looking for.
What else can you do?
Google makes a lot of data available to you within the AdWords interface that can give you additional insight into the true performance of your campaign.
emfluence VP to speak at SMX East in NYC
The Search Marketing Expo in New York City (SMX – East) has invited emfluence VP of Digital Strategy, Todd Sandoval, to speak on a panel about Mobile Search Advertising in October.
taking it personalized – too much, too little or just the right amount in your email marketing campaigns
According to a 2008 ReturnPath study, more than 75% of marketers who use email marketing aren’t taking advantage of personalization at all. Surprising, given that there’s solid evidence that even limited personalization boosts email response rates. And, with technology provided by virtually every Email Service Provider, it’s very easy to implement.
So what’s preventing marketing experts from using personalization in their email marketing campaigns?
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