even more new Flickr pics: emfluence does 80s night at the Royals

even more new Flickr pics: emfluence does 80s night at the Royals

What else can be said but "80s Night at the K"?  The emfluence team headed out to watch the Royals battle it out with the…

new Flickr pics: on the green

new Flickr pics: on the green

emfluence sponsored the Putting Contest at the Kansas City Direct Marketing Association’s 12th Annual Golf Tournament. The tournament is a fundraiser for KCDMA’s Educational Foundation and emfluence’s sponsorship was part of the contribution. The best part is, Dave not only got to give, he got to golf! Check out all the pics from the green, including the one qualifier for the big bucks, at our flickr account.

above and beyond whitelisting will take email marketers farther with Gmail

above and beyond whitelisting will take email marketers farther with Gmail

Gmail just announced on their blog that they’ll automatically allow images from some of its users’ contacts. Good news for email marketers who already encourage whitelisting from list subscribers, but there’s an important additional step.

how to create the perfect promotional email: the importance of testing in email marketing

how to create the perfect promotional email: the importance of testing in email marketing

Worldwide, marketers ideate and speculate on the perfect execution of email marketing. What gets the most opens, the most clicks and of course, the most conversions? What time of day and day of week is best to send an email marketing campaign? Which offer will work best? What graphic is most eye-catching?

Well, gather ‘round for the secret of creating that elusive perfect promotional email…

choosing the right keywords for website optimization

choosing the right keywords for website optimization

Imagine if your website had more than one doorway, i.e. the home page. What if you could roll out a welcome mat at each page of your site, making it possible for Joe Searcher to come in via the page that is most interesting to him?

Optimize your page well, friends, and it’s possible. So, how do you pick which keywords to target with Search Engine Optimization? How many terms can you optimize a single page or section for?

Sign up for emsights, the emfluence monthly newsletter, to receive tips and tricks right in your inbox. Visit http://www.emfluence.com

what happens when you ask permission

So, you just finished up a rockstar online promotion and gathered thousands of potential prospects… but you didn’t ask them to opt-in to your emails (shame, shame). Or you have an existing transactional email relationship with a certain group of contacts, but they don’t receive your promo emails yet. What’s next?

emfluence takes home AMBITS, honor

emfluence takes home AMBITS, honor

emfluence and our client, Indigo Wild took home not one, but two AMBIT Awards this year and our Marketing Manager, Jessica Best, was named Kansas City’s Young Direct Marketer of the Year.

behind the scenes: emfluence pics on Flickr

We’ve added some long overdue pictures to our Flickr account: Ones & Zeros (aka the biggest bash of 2008) through Marketing Sherpa’s Email Summit in Miami last month with a speckling of around-the-office fun.

getting in: pre-flight for better email deliverability

getting in: pre-flight for better email deliverability

Getting in to the inbox comes down to two key concepts: Content and Reputation. In this issue of emsights, we’ll focus on Content. We’ll discuss how you can “Pre-Flight” your message to determine whether or not it’s likely to pass common Spam filters and show you how you can verify that your HTML code will render properly across a broad range of email clients.

the power of Pre-Flight: improved email deliverability

the power of Pre-Flight: improved email deliverability

Slight changes in copy and/or images can make a world of difference in the rendering and deliverability of your email campaign.  It seems like a…

11 most important Spam filters for email deliverability

Ok, as part of your Pre-Flight routine you’ve previewed your email in the 7 most important email clients. Now it’s time to see if they’re getting past the guard dogs, aka SPAM filters. Good code and good design are important, but not if nobody sees your campaign.

7 most important email clients for your deliverability

As an email marketer, you have plenty of challenges when it comes to getting your messages out the door and into the inbox. And getting in doesn’t mean the end of those challenges. A good Pre-Flight or Campaign Preview tool will allow you to view your message in some or all of these email clients before sending so you can fix or rearrange any issues before you deploy.

new, improved & shiny

emfluence enters the WordPress blogging world! Check back for posts to this new (and improved) blog later this week. In the meantime, you can always visit our website: www.emfluence.com

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