Case Study: Centriq Training SEO Strategy
Centriq Training SEO Strategy Kickstarts Organic Traffic
Percent Increase in Organic Traffic
Percent Increase in New Traffic
Total Estimated ROI in 2016 (In Thousands)
The Challenge
Centriq Training wanted to improve organic search traffic while ranking for highly competitive keywords in the IT education industry. Centriq also faced challenges segmenting keywords for two separate target markets: individuals seeking new careers and corporations looking to improve training for employees.
The Solution
Through keyword targeting, content creation, and technical improvements, emfluence assisted Centriq in achieving organic traffic and conversion goals. Centriq Training saw a 54.35% increase in organic traffic from July – November (when SEO activities began to be indexed by search engines) and a 96.20% increase in new visitors. Keyword rankings improved by 1,583 positions in total, with 53 keywords now ranking on the first page. Contact Us goal completions increased by 58.82% and Corporate Enroll Now goal completions increased by 455.56%. All of this resulted in an estimated $80,375 return on investment from SEO efforts in 2016.