It’s been a year full of knowledge on our emfluence blog page where we covered everything from Email send best practices to Minions! If you missed some of our top posts from this year now is your chance to get caught up.  Below you will find a quick recap of our top 10 ranked blog posts of the year and links to the original articles, enjoy!

1. Amazon Web Services: Integrating S3 and EC2 in a Few Simple Steps:

Even though this post is from 2013, but it’s still one of our top posts that our audience keeps coming back to. In this blog post, you can find information on setting up scalable cloud based server architecture.
Here’s a little preview of the post:

“As just about everyone in web development knows these days, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has become one of the preferred cloud hosting services in the US. Why? Because it’s relatively easy and cost effective to set up robust yet flexible web sites and applications. And because it lets web devs large or small use the same kind of hosting as the biggest companies on the market….” Read more!

2. How Often Should You Send Email Marketing Campaigns?:

Jessica Best shares her brilliant insights on email frequency. In this post you’ll get 3 helpful tips on the what and when you should send email marketing campaigns. Here’s a quick snippet of post:
“In my eight years in email marketing, there are a few questions I hear about once a week:

  • What works in email subject lines?
  • What is the best day of week or time of day to send? (Short answer: test it!)

How often should I be sending? Monthly vs. weekly?……” Read more!

3. AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate: From Zero to Certified

Our software engineer, Tristan, shares his experience preparing for the Amazon Web Services certification.
“First off, emfluence uses Amazon Web Services for all of the hosting that we provide. Before starting at emfluence, all of my server management experience had been on local servers, or providers who only did hosting. I had zero experience using any of the offerings of AWS and as you can see below, there are a lot of services that they offer….”Read more!

4. 8 Characteristics of Great Email Marketing in 2013:

Yes, here’s another great post from a while back, but is still very popular. You’ll find 8tips on how to make your marketing campaigns creative, and how to tell great stories with them.
“It’s already (almost) October, so it’s about time you started planning your 2013 email marketing campaign calendar. I recently gave a presentation on the characters of successful, effective email marketing in today’s mobile, social and local world. Here are the 8 takeaway characteristics and some of my favorite examples. Enjoy…”Read more!

5. 5 Fabulous Brand Partnerships (and Why They Work):

Alyssa walks us through 5 of the commonly known brand partnerships and why they mesh well together.
“When two brands come together to create a campaign that works, it’s a beautiful thing. Brand partnerships and co-branding efforts can strengthen audience impressions and elevate the love of a brand to a whole new level. Here are the 5 best brand partnerships that will have you humming Jack Johnson’s “It’s always better when we’re together” (especially this Valentine’s day)…”Read more!

6. 6 Steps to Planning as Successful Website Relaunch:

Our Senior Account Manager,Tiffany, walks you through the foundation for successfully launching a new website under budget and on time.
“There are 3 big phases to relaunching a website, but the discovery phase will have the biggest impact on the success — and the cost — of your website relaunch. Discovery encompasses the research and planning for your website relaunch. Costs to develop a website increase as the project nears completion, because once website developers get involved…” Read more.

7. Lessons Learned From our First Twitter Lead Generation Card Campaign:

In this post from Chad, you’ll learn how emfluence’s first Twitter Lead Gen  Card campaign went. He’ll start with the strategy we took, lead us through the execution of the campaign, the goals we set, and of course the results.
“Back in July, Alyssa posted about one of Twitter’s newest marketing tools, Twitter Lead Gen Cards, that can help convert social media connections into email contacts. As a marketer, the goal for Twitter Lead Gen Cards is to do away with traditional landing page email sign-ups that take consumers out of their native browsing experience all together, and instead capture it seamlessly within the social platform. emfluence recently executed a one-month test program for our business-to-business-focused client ScriptPro, to gauge their customers’ response to Twitter Lead Generation Cards, and whether they convert social media connections into high-quality email subscribers or leads…” Read more!

8. Why Marketers Should Think More like Minions:

Alyssa shares here insights on why she thinks marketers can take away from Minions with using the creative process behind the Minions to apply to any industry you market to and for.
“I, like much of the world, fell in love with the Minions in the Despicable Me movies, and my adoration for them has compounded. I have Minion plush, a Minion phone case, and I was even a Minion for Halloween (see picture below). My anticipation is at an all-time high to see the Minions movie, and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to write about the genius behind this cute concept. Here are some lessons that marketers can gleam from these adorable yellow dudes…”Read more!

9. Reconnecting and Cleaning up Aging Email Lists: Why & How to Re-Permission:

Needing some help cleaning up your email lists? In this post, Sara, will explain all the do’s and don’ts on cleaning up your email list and re-permissioning.
“A few months ago, an email marketing client called who had been collecting email addresses for over 8 years, and they’d never sent out an email. They ask what they needed to do to start sending, since some of those addresses would be pretty old and I answered: time for a Re-Permission Campaign…” Read more!

10. The Anatomy of an Effective Email Pre-header:

Working on an email marketing campaign and need advice on pre-headers? Check out Jessica’s helpful tips on effective pre-headers you can incorporate in your next email campaign.
“You’ve almost definitely seen the pre-header of an email before. It’s the line or two of pure text above the graphic header banner in an email marketing message. Go ahead, check your inbox. You’ll find something that looks like this…”Read more!


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