You know the value in attending the emfluence And Then Some Conference. But how do you relay that effectively when asking for your company’s support in sending you? Getting time off and budget approval can be a real challenge sometimes, so here are three things you can share with the budget-boss in your life to help elicit a successful send-off:

  1. It’s designed to enhance your skillset.
  2. It presents an opportunity to connect with Kansas City’s brightest digital marketing minds and a variety of local, regional and national organizations.
  3. You’ll be the first to hear about new features of the emfluence Marketing Platform and have the chance to weigh in on the road ahead.


Enhance Your Skillset

Improve your job performance by gathering and practicing advanced skills. The emfluence Conference is a great place to brush up on skills you already know and learn new ways to approach marketing challenges. As with previous years, the conference has breakout sessions for specific topics of interest. Get to know the speakers at this year’s conference, learn what topics will be discussed, and what breakout sessions you’ll attend. Put those on a list and present it to your boss with details on how you plan to apply learnings to drive personal growth or the growth of your team members.


Did you miss Michael Barber’s Half-Day Digital Summit Email Session? Catch him as our keynote on August 24th!


Connect with Individuals and Organizations

Building industry connections is easy at the emfluence Conference. With hands-on learning tracks for B2B and B2C digital marketers, you’re sitting and learning with your industry peers. These are folks who likely have similar business challenges, interests and missions, which makes breaking the ice with a new acquaintance a breeze. Check out the list of attendees and determine who you may want to visit with at the conference. Again, present that list to your boss and explain the benefit in having the opportunity to connect. There may be people attending who you have worked with in the past. This is a great time to re-engage with them, rebuild the relationship and maybe even throw some business at each other.


Shape the Future of the emfluence Marketing Platform

Every year, the conference kicks off with an overview of what’s now, new and next with the emfluence Marketing Platform. That is a refresher on current features and new rollouts since the last conference and a sneak peek at upcoming improvements. The toolset changes fast, and change is driven from user feedback. Chances are, there’s something new we’ve released that can benefit your campaigns or workflows. And if not, we want to hear about what you’re missing. We survey our conference attendees on new ways they’d like to see the Platform work for them and use that feedback to create the roadmap of feature enhancements. Ask your boss for feedback as well, and come ready to share!


Beyond mentioning desired takeaways, be sure to cover conference costs and logistics in your out-of-office request. Before you register, check to see if you’re eligible for a discount. KCDMA and SMCKC members get 15% off tickets; contact for the discount code. And if you’re a current emfluence Marketing Platform client, check your email for your discount code, or contact support at for help registering.


About the 2018 And Then Some Conference

The emfluence And Then Some Conference gathers Kansas City’s brightest digital marketing minds and coolest marketing automation thinkers under a single roof. This conference offers hands-on learning tracks for B2B and B2C digital marketers, with dedicated content designed to answer your marketing automation challenges and inspire new ideas. It’s the perfect spot for conversing with other like-minded marketers on ways to put the emfluence Marketing Platform to work in your marketing plan. And if you aren’t a user of the emfluence Marketing Platform, you’ll still walk away with a gamut of cross-channel industry news, trends and case studies to advance your marketing strategy.


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