Haven’t bought your ticket to the annual emfluence And Then Some Conference yet? There’s still time!


We’re officially two weeks away from this all-day digital marketing summit. Tickets are still available (for now), and we’re counting down the days and honing our basketball skills in preparation for August 25th at the College Basketball Experience.


This year, we’re building the conference around takeaways—things you can start applying as soon as you get back to the office. Let’s look at 5 things you’ll learn how to do if you attend our conference:


1) You Think You’re So Special.

You are, of course, but are you making that clear in your messaging? Your brand isn’t your logo or your tagline: it’s the story you tell. Laura Lynch, owner and chief creative strategist at Lynchpin Ideas, will teach you how to discover and craft a brand voice that connects the right audience to your brand.

Takeaways: Learn how to define your brand story.


2) Go Back to Math Class

First, some bad news: this session does involve actual math equations. But Alex Greenwood, principal and owner of AGPR, will make the math lesson worth your while. If you’re under pressure to prove the ROI of your marketing efforts to your company’s leadership team, this session’s for you.

Takeaways: Actual math equations you can take to a financials meeting.


3) …And Science Class, Too

Because Claire Bishop, Children International’s VP of marketing, will show you how to apply your sixth grade science education to your marketing efforts. Based on the principals of The Lean Startup, her session will teach you how to use lean experiments to identify, test and scale new products and channels that can drive growth.

Takeaways: A plan of action for identifying, testing, and scaling new products and channels.


4) Bring Home the Black Sheep

Don’t launch another paid social or search campaign until you attend this session! emfluence Paid Media Manager Alan Schieber will show you how to use paid social and paid search as an extra touchpoint on the campaigns you’re already running.

Takeaways: How to download and use your audience list outside of the inbox.


5) We’re Still A/B Testing This Title

Have you ever wondered how your emails would perform if you sent them on a different day? With a different subject line? Or maybe in a different format? Senior Account Manager Lindsay Waters is sharing her tips from the field on how to test, retest and test those emails again.

Takeaways: Pointers on what and how to test on email sends, as well as determining success.


Bonus Takeaway: Our Keynote Speaker Trish Witkowski will show you how to use scorekeeping methods from Blackjack to determine the right moment to transform a relationship into a sale.


Double Bonus Takeaway: Put your basketball skills to the test. We bet you can’t beat us in a dunk contest.


Get your tickets before they run out: https://emfluence-and-then-some-conference-2017.eventbrite.com

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