The Challenge

A KC Icon, Boulevard Brewery, Co. has been a long-time client of emfluence. Their annual craft festival, Boulevardia, draws thousands of beer-lovers to the historic West Bottoms in Kansas City each year. In the second year of the festival, Boulevard turned to emfluence to help drive event awareness and ticket sales. After success in year two, and as the event continued to grow in popularity, so did the desire to bring in more fans from around the country in year three.

The Solution

emfluence was tasked with reaching individual target audiences through targeted messaging on social media. With the goals of driving event awareness, ticket sales, volunteers, and promoting the music line-up and downloads of the branded event app on iOS and Android devices. The Social and Strategy teams developed campaigns to deploy across Facebook and Instagram to promote one month out from the festival weekend, and tier down the audience targeting and messaging

During the three-week execution period, 1.45M craft beer enthusiasts were reached on Facebook and Instagram, generating a 6.92% on-site conversation rate of ticket sales and over 305k earned/organic impressions.

Leveraging Facebook's newly released, mobile only Canvas Ad feature, the brand was able to create a customized, immersive full-screen experience for viewers through a mix of video, images, and details on the festival. This full-screen ad type grabbed audience attention, averaging 45.5 seconds of engagement within the ad and Cost-per-Impression of only $0.0054.

Mobile App ads experienced a $0.65 Cost-Per-Install, approximately a third of the cost of industry app install averages.
Boulevard Brewing Co. – Boulevardia 2016 Social Media slide #0 Boulevard Brewing Co. – Boulevardia 2016 Social Media slide #1 Boulevard Brewing Co. – Boulevardia 2016 Social Media slide #2 Boulevard Brewing Co. – Boulevardia 2016 Social Media slide #3 Boulevard Brewing Co. – Boulevardia 2016 Social Media slide #4

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