Bringing Utility Marketing To Your Brand

Bringing Utility Marketing To Your Brand

The connectivity of the digital world has transformed how we seek out and build our relationships online and offline. (Tinder, anyone?) It goes beyond our…

Crowdsourcing Social Content: Brands at Their Best

Crowdsourcing Social Content: Brands at Their Best

How do you define your brand? Trick question! It doesn’t matter what you’re thinking. More importantly, how does your audience think of your brand? I’m…

Try, Try Again: Re-Marketing via Email

Try, Try Again: Re-Marketing via Email

As a data-driven marketer, I cringe at the idea of sending emails out into space and not taking advantage of the engagement data I get…

Gmail’s New Inbox Layout Emphasizes Images Over Subject Lines

Gmail’s New Inbox Layout Emphasizes Images Over Subject Lines

Last year, Gmail got email marketers all in a tizzy by introducing its new tabbed inbox. Now, Gmail is testing a new visual “grid” layout…

Using Google Analytics demographics for social media

Using Google Analytics demographics for social media

Earlier this week, Tyler wrote a great post about Google Analytics’ new demographics data, and how it offers a treasure trove of information about visitors…

wise ways to use video in email marketing

wise ways to use video in email marketing

Last year, Sara wrote a blog post highlighting our client, Rush Wade 2, for their use of sharing an animated GIF via email. In another…

3 ways to grow your email subscribers list

3 ways to grow your email subscribers list

There are a lot of great ways to grow your email list from pay-per-click ads to affiliate marketing to trade shows, but these are 3 quick ways to test the actual sign-up form to start increasing your email list size right away with the traffic you’re already seeing on your website.

real-time marketing vs. newsjacking: conversation trumps cleverness

real-time marketing vs. newsjacking: conversation trumps cleverness

At last year’s Superbowl, Oreo’s “dunk in the dark” tweet was declared the launch of real-time marketing as a social media marketing trend. Yesterday, I declare, was its death.

Facebook introduces gifts – how you can apply to be a gift

Facebook introduces gifts – how you can apply to be a gift

Facebook has rolled live with their “gifts” feature that shows up on the recipient’s Facebook page. Facebook has a (not yet well publicized) Merchant Interest Form where you can submit your products as gift options that friends can buy for each other.

on the ground and online: channeling the best of both worlds

on the ground and online: channeling the best of both worlds

The close of 2011 brought the announcement of hundreds of brick-and-mortar locations closing for stores such as Sears and Kmart. Business owners both large and small have every reason to feel a bit rattled. Just as marketers must integrate new media into traditionally-based marketing channel models to survive, business owners with storefronts on the ground must adapt their strategies to appeal to consumers in the digital shopping space as well.

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