I’m finally getting through some of my notes, tweets and photos from South by Southwest’s Interactive Conference in Austin just over a week ago. I’ve found more good tidbits than I know what to do with, so for the next few days I’ll post some of the juiciest content. Enjoy!

7 of the coolest promotional sights I saw at SXSWi 2013:

#1 – My sandwich has a brand in it.

The GroupMe Grill was handing out free grilled cheese sandwiches, branded with their logo, across the street from the Convention Center.


#2 – Celebrity sighting!

I met the Cap'n — Cap'n Crunch that is — on the streets, handing out sweet cereal to us hungry attendees.


#3 – Why have booth babes (whose feet get tired) when you could have this?

3M's SXSW Guide suggested sessions in case you weren't sure which to attend.


#4 – Designers & Developers: choose your side and then Superfy yourself.

PayPal's lounge invited designers and developers to square off as super heros fighting villains and creating their own Super-Alter-Ego.


#4a Not so cool: The slushie at PayPal turns your tongue blue, so they invited peeps to #tweetyourtongue… but they didn’t check out the noise happening on that hashtag first. NSFW

#5 – Game of Thrones pedi cab rides, FTW!

#6 – Who needs to make the official line-up? Fast Company hosts their own set of panels and free meals every day.

Fast Company doesn't mind creating content outside the content, hosting big name speakers (usually from the pages of their magazine).


#7 – Polk headphones puts artists in a box.

If you want to hear the artist playing (in their sound-proof booth), you have to slip on the Polk headphones and try them out.


My last sight is… well questionnable. I couldn't tell if it was brilliant… or disturbing:

#? – Um, do I want to eat the “fingerling fries”?

NBC's new show Hannibal sponsors a food truck… featuring a menu renamed to make you question where — or who — they're from.


Be sure to check out the actual content I learned, too, starting with 10 of my favorite SXSWi session takeaways.


Let's Get Started

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