Buzzsumo, a content research platform, recently released a new feature in their arsenal of content measurement called SumoRank. This new addition aims to fill a gap in content research by allowing you to search your own company Facebook page. screenshot

Previously, you had to combine a list of data from various sources (Buzzsumo included) to get a holistic idea of what your content strategy should be for a specific client or company. I still believe that gathering your data from multiple sources is necessary (although challenging, see blog about Digital Dashboards for a solution) to gain the best perspective on your market, but SumoRank makes this task much easier. screenshot

Simply plug in your own Facebook page information and let this glorious tool do the rest of the work. In a matter of seconds you will have a full view of how your content is currently performing! Take the emfluence page for example: screenshot

  • Our most popular post type is Image (not surprising given current trends in marketing).
  • Our ranking among all the business that list themselves on Facebook as a Consulting/Business Service is #3008 out of 25 million possible Facebook pages!
  • Our Most popular day for posting is on Monday with 9pm being the best time for posting.

Average Engagement Metrics

average engagement screenshot

If we dive a little deeper into the report we can see the average engagement by post type as well as the average engagement per character range. This is a particularly useful when deciding what length of posts you should have on your page as well as the media format you should use when engaging with your audience. After all, every business and industry is different!

Daily Post Engagement

average posted screenshot

Next on the report we have look into the overall business days that we post on separated out by average shares, likes, and comments. Depending on what your goal is for that day you can cater your content to this research. For example, if your business wanted to run a social media contest with a randomly selected winner rom your post likes and gain the highest amount on likes in the process, now you know the best day to post on!

Below that we have a glimpse at how our content performs when broken down hour by hour. Notice that our time period only shows from 1pm to 10pm. This suggests that posting in the morning is not a good strategy for emfluence since those time slots did not even make the chart!

time posted screenshot

Your Top Posts

Last, but certainly not least, we are given some preview images of our top posts in general. It should be noted that this will not be as in-depth of a preview as you would get within Facebook’s Business Manager, but it is a nice sample. One thing that does stand out amongst this view is the summary section at the bottom of each post that is kind enough to add all the engagements together for us and give us a total amount of impressions. If you are just looking for a general overview of your posts, this section is a great start.

facebook posts screenshot

Competitor Data

Hungry for some comparative data to add to your report? Click the hyperlink under your business category at the top of you page to be taken to a page ranking section for the top 20 businesses in your category (you can also get the top 20 pages for all of Facebook from the home page). This is the part where you get to see what others are doing on Facebook and see what works for them. Unfortunately you cannot cater it specifically to your direct competitors, but you can scroll through the list and find a comparable business if you wish.

top 20 for consulting/business services screenshot

Spend time looking through the other businesses that are similar to your own and develop your content strategy combining all the information mentioned above.  SumoRank is certainly a tool worth adding to your war chest if you are in need of more data on your business. And let’s face it, who doesn’t love learning more about their own business efforts?




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