Last week, emfluence and our wonderful clients won 13 KCDMA AMBIT awards for excellence in targeted, measurable marketing – 2 more than last year! emfluencers took home 6 gold and 7 silver awards in the Email, Social Media, Business-to-Consumer Marketing and Search Engine Optimization categories.  The AMBIT awards are particularly important to us because of their judging criteria. AMBITs are awarded based on results and measureable goals in addition to design and creative, perfect for our marketing standards!

Congratulations to the emfluence Email Marketing team and SPIN! Pizza for winning 2 gold awards for their Birthday Email Automation and the Ciao Bow Wow campaigns! By automating their birthday emails, SPIN! increased their ROI to nearly 3600% and decreased their time spent sending them to less than ¼. The Ciao Bow Wow campaign also had impressive results with 4 completely sold out events and 30% increase in sales during the month of the events at the four host locations. As a very cool bonus, they raised $4200 through the campaign for Unleashed Pet Rescue. Fantastic!

SPIN! Pizza wins AMBITS for their email marketing campaigns SPIN! Pizza Wins AMBITS for their email marketing campaigns


Other email campaigns that won included:

  • Another gold award for Manny’s Birthday Email campaign
  • Silver award for Hallmark Baby Abandoned Cart Email Reminder
  • Silver award for Grantham University Automated Lead Nurture Series
  • Silver award for Community America Credit Union New Member Onboarding

But email wasn’t the only big winner. Our SEO team and client, The Roasterie, received a gold AMBIT award for their impressive Conversion Optimization campaign in 2014. The campaign led to 125%+ increases in targeted page views and an incredible 41.35% increase in page value!

The emfluence SEO team also took home 2 more gold awards for their work on:

  • Essence Designs Keyword Ranking Strategy
  • Handmade Baseball Gloves Search Engine Management

In the Social Media category, emfluence scored 2 silver awards. One was for a very cool campaign with Trust for Insuring Educators to drive page likes.  Trust for Insuring Educators wanted to connect with younger educators, to engage them about the insurance that TIE offers at some of the schools they may be considering working for. So, they looked to Facebook Like Ads and Sponsored Stories to help cast their brand in a wide net and expose their logo and voice to educators who could potentially be customers down the road.   The campaign had some impressive results, including over 5.9 million impressions and over 4,900 new likes!

The social media team also scored a silver award for the Hallmark Baby 1st Birthday Celebration campaign.

We are so happy to be able to work with such amazing clients and are proud to be able to share in this excitement with them! We look forward to doing even better, results-driven work in 2015!



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