Above the fold is a phrase popularized by designers, editors and advertising sales professionals in the print newspaper industry. It refers to space at the top of a page, literally above the fold, where the most valuable content is positioned. Because newspapers were generally folded in half before being displayed on newsstands, above-the-fold content was highly visible even if the newspaper wasn’t purchased. This placed a premium on any content shown above the fold, including headline news and advertising spaces, demonstrating the “soft power” newspaper publishers had to inform, shape public opinion, and potentially influence people’s behavior. 

Does the Fold Exist in Online Publishing and Marketing?  

In the digital realm, the fold is not a physical boundary but a virtual one. It’s a concept that typically refers to the point on a web page or other digital asset where the content becomes visible without the need for scrolling. However, it’s important to note that not everyone agrees on where this virtual fold lies – or if it even exists. 

I once worked with a website designer who would get highly agitated when anyone mentioned “above the fold” content. He would loudly protest, “Show me where the fold is. There is no fold in online design!” 

Technically, he was right. However, I would argue that online design has simply done what digital technologies have always done – it has disrupted the fold. 

Where Is the Fold Now? 

The fold is everywhere online, and just to confuse matters, it moves around depending on various criteria. 

For example, on a standard website, above the fold might refer to the content visible without scrolling. But if that website is displayed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, the position of that fold will vary. This underscores the importance of optimizing your website based on the devices it is consumed on and ensuring your content is tested across multiple platforms before it is deployed. 

However, there are so many other places where the fold can appear online. These include: 


There are so many factors to consider when looking at email marketing. Again, this will depend on the device and the inbox where your emails are being consumed. Recipients enjoy a very different email experience when accessing their emails on smartwatches, smartphones, tablets, and desktop/laptop computers.  

The concept of above the fold in email design starts with the subject line. This might be the only opportunity you have to engage your audience, with all other content potentially hidden below the fold. Again, depending on the device/inbox, your pre-header might offer an additional opportunity to position content above the fold. 

Regarding body text, it’s essential to position any compelling call-to-actions at the top of your email. The email inbox isn’t a great place to scroll through and find offers, and this challenge can be compounded by inboxes like Gmail truncating body text. The golden rule in email is to get to the point quickly and drive people to your website or app, where they can engage further with you. 


Search is typically divided into two groups – SEO and paid search

In terms of SEO, above the fold is as close to the top of the first page of search results as possible. Optimizing your content for search features like Google’s Featured Snippets will dramatically enhance your above the fold visibility on the search engine.  

In terms of paid search, this is an increasingly complicated area with sponsored links appearing in multiple positions and locations depending on numerous criteria (product or service, business location, device). Our best advice to ensure your paid search results always appear above the fold is to seek professional help from a qualified paid search expert (we can help). 

Social Media 

When considering social media, we must consider the concept of “doom-scrolling” alongside the challenge of positioning content above the fold. 

For example, on a channel like TikTok, you literally have a fraction of a second to grab a user’s attention before they scroll past your content. You’ve got to let people know precisely what they see from the first moment they land on your content. This means quickly getting to the point regarding any spoken content, on-screen text-based content, descriptions, and hashtags. This approach won’t only optimize the human experience. It will help TikTok’s algorithm know precisely what your content is about. A simple test to ensure TikTok recognizes your content is to tap on the search bar at the top of your videos. You’re doing an excellent job if it pre-fills a search phrase relevant to your content. If it returns a random phrase – you need to take another look at your “above the fold” content.   


Again, there are multiple folds on a mobile device. We would have to consider native mobile applications like SMS, as clearly above the line. Then, there are push notifications from apps, emails, messaging services, and social media activities that demand users’ attention. Understanding your audiences’ preference for engagement is essential when considering where the fold is on a mobile device. 

Where Else Is the Fold? 

There are many other places in digital publishing and marketing where you can find a fold. We have yet to mention online marketplaces like eBay and Amazon or app stores like Google Play and the Apple AppStore that need optimizing to ensure your content appears in premium positions. 

What Content Should Go Above the Fold? 

While the concept of the fold is a movable feast in the digital world, there are specific elements that should be prioritized above the fold wherever possible. These include: 

  1. Logo and Branding: Display your logo and brand name at the top to make your site instantly recognizable and build trust with visitors. 
  1. Navigation Menu: Include a clear and organized navigation menu so users can easily find what they’re looking for. 
  1. Headline Text: Use a bold, concise headline to grab attention and communicate your central message or value proposition. 
  1. Sub-headline or Brief Description: Add a short description or sub-headline to provide more context and entice visitors to read further. 
  1. Primary Call to Action (CTA): Place prominent CTA buttons or links (e.g., “Sign Up,” “Learn More”) to guide users toward taking action. 
  1. Visual Elements: Use high-quality images, videos, or graphics that are engaging and relevant to your content. 
  1. Search Bar: Include a search bar in an easy-to-find spot to help users quickly locate specific information. 
  1. Essential Information or Offers: Highlight important information like special offers or critical features to attract immediate interest. 
  1. Social Proof: Add testimonials, reviews, or trust badges to build credibility and trust with visitors. 
  1. Contact Information: Make contact details visible so users can quickly get in touch for support or inquiries. 

Optimize Your Content Wherever It Appears 

When your business operates across multiple channels, it can be challenging to understand how to prioritize your above the fold content for optimal results. To learn more about how the digital marketing experts at emfluence can help you position the right content in the right place at the right time, contact us today at expert@emfluence.com

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