We’ve all heard the classic saying that “content is king,” but is that still the case? If so, how can you maximize your output of quality content?


It’s still true. Content is king, and given how 2020 has played out, it may be even more critical than ever as more and more people spend time at home, online. According to Forbes, global online content consumption more than doubled during the pandemic. The average daily content consumption is six hours and 59 minutes.


Content promotes your brand. It’s how people learn more about the products and services you offer. Engaging and relevant content is your voice. It answers questions, provides detail, gives instructions, and entertains. Without content, there would be no internet, no Google search, no digital marketing.

Here are six tips to get you thinking about how to maximize your content production:

1) Long-Form Content: Long-form content is typically around 1,000 words or more. It’s lengthier content used to create white papers, case studies, ebooks, and how-to guides. Long-form content communicates experience, expertise, and projects authority while improving time-on-site and ranking in search results by showing up to answer a question. A Buzzsumo study found that long-forms got the most shares among the top 10% of popular articles.


2) Interactive Content: Interactive content is attention-getting. It promotes and encourages audience participation and feedback. It gets personal. Interactive content shows up as quizzes, questionnaires, or surveys that provide fun facts or instant quotes. Could you keep them coming back for more? According to a study conducted by the Content Marketing Institute, companies that use interactive content have seen a 66% rise in conversions.


3) Repurposed Content: Repurposed content is precisely what the name implies. It’s about taking existing content and creating something new or using it somewhere else. Think about pulling together a series of posts to create a webinar, an ebook, case study, or infographic. In 2014, it was reported that 25-30% of content on the web was repurposed. Since then, that number has grown tremendously.


4) Social Media Content: The right social media platform can extend your reach and find your audience where they spend a lot of their time. LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are the most common but think outside of the usual. Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok have their benefits. Social media makes up 95% of the content used in content marketing (Content Marketing Institute)


5) Video Content: Create an explainer or how-to video from existing or new content. Make it animated or use a live person. Video is impactful and easy to consume. According to Wordstream, one-third of online activity is spent watching video, and marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than not.


6) Content with Images: Images should be used in your content and help visually communicate your message. Images break up the text, provide flow, add tone and personality. Content with images gets 94% more views, as cited by marketer Jeff Bullas.

These six content tips are just the tip of the iceberg regarding the numerous ways you can maximize and extend your content production.


And while this is by no means a comprehensive list, it does share some of the most commonly used and should spark some creative thinking to mix up your current content strategy beyond the typical short-form blog post.


Creating a content strategy, planning, and producing can be time-intensive. If you need help developing a robust plan, writing the content, or would like your content reviewed for recommendations on optimizing, contact us today.


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