Here's how to implement an effective content strategy solution for the busy content creator!

We all know content is the key building block to a successful web presence. Your users want to enjoy good quality content created with the reader in mind. There are many content strategy methods. Some you might have heard of include the skyscraper method, the cluster method, and drip down strategy. These strategies are all very effective when trying to create an effective blog. The toughest part, however, is planning the time to write your initial content!

I want to introduce to a wonderful new tool that we've begun using here at emfluence for internal meetings, sales strategy, and even this blog post. I am actually not writing a single Rev Recorder for faster content creationword of this blog post! The whole thing is being written by my voice.

Let me introduce you to the wonderful iPhone and Android tool known as Rev Recorder.

Rev Recorder allows you to record your voice while having the option to transcribe your recording (for a dollar a minute). One dollar per minute is about on par with average transcription services, and the transcription is excellent. I have transcribed about 130 minutes and have awarded all those transcriptions 5 stars. What you're getting with the investment is not just the ability to save the time of sitting down and writing, but you're also getting the ability to free flow your ideas and have your thoughts on paper so you can edit later. Transcription generally takes around 1 day to complete from the moment you order.

Here's how I utilize Rev Voice Recorder to write eBooks, blog posts, or transcribe important meeting notes:

Step 1. Get an idea.

Put it out there. Make sure people have that so that whenever you're free flowing your idea off the top of your head, you're able to just let it go, let it flow. Put that information out there and make it useful.

Step 2. Make an outline.

Write your idea on a piece of paper or app. What I use is the Notes application on my iPhone. Create an outline because you want to be efficient with your time and not stray too far off topic. Treat this like a keynote presentation. If you're creating a book, you need to prepare for the next section of each chapter. For a blog post you will want the initial topic broken down into individual parts.

Rev Recorder for content creation

Step 3. RECORD!

Let your thoughts flow. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm actually sharing my ideas on Rev Recorder and allowing my thoughts to come out about what I believe is the most efficient way of writing content.

Step 4. Add Content.

After recording your content, you may need to add some specific information that was not readily available during your recording.

Here is the spot in my blog post where I'm going to share some great statistics about content and about how utilizing fresh content on your blog 74% of B2B industries are creating more content than last yeareffectively drives traffic, improves search rankings and generally increases the conversions on your site. (this would be what is recorded for me to remember to add content, like these great stats below).

  • 74% of B2B industries are creating more content than last year.

  • 62% of companies outsource their content marketing (source).

  • Organic search leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound marketing leads have a 1.7% close rate (source).

  • 82% of marketers who blog see a positive ROI for their inbound marketing (source)

Step 5. Edit.

You should have all of the necessary content for your project at this time. Editing content can be challenging, depending on your writing skill. Many choose to outsource editing.

If you are outsourcing content, utilizing Rev Recorder is a great strategy to save on writing costs by transferring some of your content creation budget to editing. I’ve found that by speaking my ideas and then transcribing, I cut my creation time down by 50%.

Step 6.  Publish

Rev Recorder can free up time for other content creation, such as finding unique photography or creating unique photos (both are great for SEO). You can use your iPhone for literally the entire blog post if you choose!



This post is a quick, easy way of describing the wonders of Rev Recorder and why your organization should consider utilizing audio transcriptions for content creation. Free flow content becomes increasingly more important as the web continues to be flooded with more information. If you are an audible thinker, Rev Recorder could revolutionize the way your organization creates content.




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