When we talk about landing pages in digital marketing, it’s usually from an SEO perspective – which page did people land on first when they arrived at your website? Ideally this is the page that most closely matches what the consumer is looking for, so that their path to conversion is as short as possible. If you’re a retailer, you want consumers to land on the product order page within one or a few clicks. If you’re a thought leader in your industry, you’re probably sending out links to your news articles or blog posts so consumers can quickly engage with relevant content.

In an ideal world, content marketers would have all of the resources we need waiting for our assignments: copywriters, designers, and developers would create the content and get it on to the website. Immediately. For the campaign that we want to deploy tomorrow…

In reality, it doesn't seem to work that way. For busy marketers on deadlines, the best tool to have at your disposal is a landing page generator to quickly create a single, branded webpage with the content, forms, and surveys you need, without having to request formal updates to your actual website. It also allows marketers to quickly update the content of the page themselves any time.

If you’ve never used landing pages, take a look at a few of my favorite campaigns that utilize landing pages built in the emfluence Marketing Platform:

Campaign: “Update Your Contact Info”

This campaign is typically deployed via email to subscribers who signed up for email over a year ago, and whose contact info is more likely to be out of date. It's also a great way to collect additional information from new subscribers (otherwise known as Progressive Capture).

The Email Call-to-Action: Click here to update or confirm your contact info, and we’ll send you a special offer!

Landing Page Elements:

  • Form pre-filled with known contact data*
  • Branded page content
  • Branded URL

*This is a BONUS to using a marketing platform that has a landing page generator with forms: When a landing page link is sent to a known contact via email, forms can be pre-filled with the contact's data!

Campaign: Customer or Event Feedback Survey

After an event, send an email to attendees to ask for feedback about the event. Or set up an automated email that deploys a few weeks after purchase with a link to your product feedback survey.

Landing Page Elements:

  • Styled Survey – Some survey tools, like the emfluence survey tool, allows you to customize the CSS of your survey so that it is fully branded.
  • Branded Page Content
  • Branded URL

Similar to how forms can be pre-filled with contact data when we use a personalized, trackable link to a landing page, survey responses can track the contact info of the survey taker, so you can associated very positive or very negative experiences to the contact who shared them, and follow up accordingly.

Campaign: Website Pop-Over Modal

Also known as a lightbox, a pop-over or modal is essentially just a landing page that has been framed into a box that is smaller than a browser window, and is triggered to display to site visitors after a pre-set amount of time. Modals are most often used for email sign-ups and time-sensitive information like flash sales or alerts, and can be set to display on every page of a site or on specific pages. The modal builder was by far my favorite new feature of the emfluence Marketing Platform in 2015.


Campaign: Wi-Fi Hotspot Welcome Page

If you offer Wi-Fi at your business, you have the perfect opportunity to market to customers who are already in your store, engaging with your brand. Once web surfers have successfully logged onto your network, use the welcome page

  • Advertise in-store specials specific to that location.
  • Ask customers to subscribe to your emails. Bonus: Offer a coupon upon sign-up, but send it in an email a few hours or days later to encourage the subscriber to come back in!
  • Remind them to check in on Yelp or Swarm and rate their experience.
  • Promote any upcoming events or sales at that location.
  • Display any legal terms for Wi-Fi usage.

Campaign: "Gated" Content

Email marketing can be a bit of a cat-and-mouse game at times. You want someone's email address, but most people want something in return for that kind of personal information! One of the most effective ways to capture a subscriber is with a valuable incentive, like a coupon or a whitepaper, that's only accessible from a link to a landing page that you can provide.

For example, a certain marketing agency created a 4-part whitepaper series on how to create an effective onboarding program for new banking customers. After the subscriber signed up, a series of 4 emails containing links to those landing pages was triggered to deploy over the following few weeks. The subscriber received valuable content, and the agency's sales team had a list of prospects who were already engaged with the brand and content. Win-Win!

By using a landing page that's only accessible from a pURL, you can monitor exactly who's visiting the page, and how they're interacting with it. (Ever get a call from a salesperson a few minutes after you clicked on an email link to download a whitepaper? Yeah, that wasn't a coincidence.)


If you’re interested in seeing a demo of the emfluence Landing Page Generator or talking to an expert on how you can be utilizing landing pages in your own campaigns, email expert@emfluence.com.




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