emfluence is an Email Service Provider (ESP) that provides a web-based application which enables emfluence and its clients to send permission-based, transaction-based, or relationship-based emails to customers.


The team at emfluence believes:


Commercial email has become regulated under the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and subsequent amendments passed in 2008. emfluence requires its application licensees to agree to the following terms and conditions:


emfluence reserves the right, as a condition of its application license, to review licensees’ customer/client/member lists and emails in order to verify that the opt-in methodology is being consistently used by the emfluence software licensee. Furthermore, emfluence application licensees must agree, as a condition of the emfluence application license, that an “opt-out” system will not be used by the application licensee. Opt-out means recipients must affirmatively act to remove their names from the software licensee’s email address list(s). If a client is found to be acting outside of these terms and conditions, emfluence may immediately terminate client use of emfluence software.


Software licensees are hereby advised that emfluence may, in the future, build into its application a technology for “verified opt-in”. This is part of the website email name collection tools used by emfluence. When someone adds an email address using emfluence name collection tools, that individual will be sent an email asking for verification that he or she wishes to receive email communications from the sender. Only those responding affirmatively to the confirmation request will be opted in for future mailings via the emfluence Marketing Platform.


If you have any questions about emfluence’s Anti-SPAM Policy or the obligations discussed above, please contact emfluence at 816-472-4455, or email emfluence at support@emfluence.com.

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