New Storify Business accountsStorify is among the newest and neatest tools for social media practitioners. It’s been gaining popularity as a way to collect and organize tweets, especially those around a specific hashtag or topic. Today, they launched a Storify Business account option, inviting journalists, agencies, brands and bloggers to upgrade.

The email announced a few benefits that are sure to appeal to many social media pros, including the option for branded, embedded stories, giving brands and agencies the opportunity to control the look and feel of a story. Business accounts will offer the option for “private” stories, which can be used to internal reporting and research without appearing in a public Storify profile. They also hint at making stories search-engine-compatible, though the actual Search Engine Optimization value of these stories, which are basically reorganized, repeated tweets, is yet to be seen.

The sneakiest of the upgrades is that they promise they won’t add advertising to your stories in the future — something that doesn’t exist in the current free release of Storify yet either. But it hints at Storify’s future plans for ads and allows brands and businesses the chance to opt-out of ever having to jump that hurdle.

Haven’t seen Storify in action yet? Check out this recap story from the panel on “Meta-Learning” with Tim Ferriss at SXSW Interactive. It’s a nice example of compiling the best tweets that tell the story/take the best notes from a hashtag or pool of tweets. (You’ll see my @bestofjess tweets in the stream, too — this was one I tweeted quite a few notes from!)

Has anyone used Storify for a brand or a business yet? Or do you have favorites you follow on Storify?


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